Thursday, September 27, 2012

Coming home?

Jenna is making great progress! 

She has been up multiple times to walk around - mooning everyone in her lovely hospital gown. After many short walks - she was able to make it a full lap around the floor - but with a robe this time, so no more peeks at her butt for the hospital staff.

She has been able to get up on her own to go to the bathroom and even got a fancy sponge bath and also enjoyed some fine hospital dining ;)

She is having a rough time with the physical therapy - but they have adjusted her pain meds and she is starting to feel better, she's a bit loopy - but comfortable.

One of the doctors told them last night that they may be able to head home today - nothing is set in stone, but the doctor seemed pretty optimistic - fingers crossed!!!! The chest tube was taken out this morning so she's definitely headed in the right direction.

Uh oh - guess I better go clean her house like I promised - she will be home sooner than I thought! :)

Talk to you soon -



  1. Lovely lady with some lovely flowers! Tell her to get home so we can start Nintendo therapy!

  2. We are cheering for you Jenna! Literally right now, we're yelling in our apartment!!!
